A Rusted Heart


Heart of Steel.
Heart of Steel.

It is early evening and the sun is shining on the village and the birds are singing in the trees.

In the distance I can hear the band playing, the young people singing and the constant chatter of all the villagers as they drink beer and catch up with each other on this spring bank holiday.

Early this morning the band passed the house heading towards the church for the First Communion service. The procession of villagers in their traditional costumes was a joy to behold as I watched from the window. I did wander down to the centre with Barney mid morning where the villagers had gathered after church but I am afraid that the noise and the hustle and bustle was a little too much for my befuddled brain and I found it difficult to engage with the german language (I struggle at the best of times) so we came home and sat in the garden for a while listening from afar.

I had wanted to spend the day at the festivities but I am nursing a 2 day old migraine. It seems to be becoming a recurring theme lately.

I have no photos of the festivities today and so I am going to share with you a photograph that I took a few days ago. The rusty heart stands in the grounds of Schloss Oberrain, I believe it was designed and manufactured by the pupils there.  Surrounded by dandelions I find it a thing of beauty. It brings to mind my Heart of Stone photo and again I am reminded that no matter where I go I find the same things over and over again.

Maybe I had to go down a very long path only to discover that I had always been where I was meant to be.





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